The Big Island of Hawai’i is home to 11 of 13 sub-climate zones in the world. As a result, we see huge diversity in our endemic plant life. At Waters Edge endemic plants were sourced from certified seed and starts. They thrive without the need for irrigation, pesticides, or fertilizer. This means reduced water consumption and neither pesticide nor fertilizer run-off into the Kailua-Kona coastline waters.

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These incredible native plants do not require water, fertilizer or pesticides to thrive.

Psydrax odorata
This waxy-leafed flowering shrub or small tree is most at home in Hawaiian Lowland Dry ‘Metrosideros’ Forested land. A member of the coffee family, Ala means fragrance, and he’e is Hawaiian for octopus. This hady plant has clusters of white bloom and is native to the Pacific Islands, New Guinea and Australia.
Pa'u O Hi'iaka
Jaquemontia ovalifolia
This hardy vining plant has round bright green leaves, and produces delicate 1" blooms ranging in color from white to lavender. The flowers are shaped similar to a woman's full skirt, and are named after the skirt of Hi'iaka younger sister of the fire goddess, Pele.

Dodonaea viscosa
A'ali'i is a hardy shrub plant graced with little red flowers. This plant plays an important role in the ecosystem of the island as it is considered a "pioneer species" - it's one of the first to grow on new lava flows. The wood was used extensively by early Hawaiians and its berries used for red dye.

Osteomeles anthyllidifolia
'Ulei has fern-like leaves and delicate flowers that look like wild roses. Indigenous to Hawai'i and other Pacific Islands, it is also known as Hawaiian rose, or Hawaiian hawthorn, and is indeed in rose family, Rosaceae.
'Ilima Papa
Sida fallax
This bushy plant thrives in sunny and windy coastal areas. It has flowers that can range in color from yellow, orange, or rusty red and makes an attractive verdant screen.

Bacopa Monnieri
Bacopa is a creeping groundcover plant with small succulent oval leaves and white flowers with a lavender center. Bacopa is widely recognized in many cultures for its medicinal benefits.
Pritchardia Palms
Family Arecaceae
These are beautiful and regal fan palms. All of the native Hawaiian palms are endemic, and are members of the genus Pritchardia. The genus is found across the tropical islands of the Pacific and the name Pritchardia is in honor of William Thomas Pritchard, a British consul at Fiji.

Psilotum nudum
Moa is a very structurally interesting plant. It has no leaves, and its stems are flat or square with very small scalloped protrusions. Early Hawaiians found many medicinal uses for Moa, which also means "chicken". There is a children's game using the plant where the winner crows triumphantly like a rooster.

Cordia subcordata
This tree blooms with vibrant orange flowers that are one to two inches in diameter. Kou is a "canoe plant", one of the select few plants that were brought by canoe to Hawai'i. Kou was valued for its medicinal attributes and also as a carving wood due to the beauty of its grain and how easily it is cut and carved.